Ensuring Optimal Health for Future Service Dogs

Ensuring that dogs being considered for placement as service or facility dogs are physically and mentally sound is critical to their success and the success of our clients!

All of our dogs in training undergo regular behavioural assessments and receive routine vet care and preventative medications throughout their time in training. In addition, they will have health check-ins and scans to ensure they don’t have any health issues that would affect their working career. As you can see in the infographic, that means a lot of vet visits in the first 2 years just for routine care.

If the dog in training is being considered for our breeding program they will undergo genetic testing, an echocardiogram clearance and Pennhip test. Otherwise, male dogs will be neutered after they have fully matured and female dogs will be spayed after their first heat cycle.

In addition to this routine care, our dogs may also have additional visits if injuries or illnesses arise.

All of this critical vet care is made possible through the generous contributions of the Cambridge Bingo and Gaming Centre and the K-W Gaming Centre through our charitable gaming partnership. Their donations help keep all of our dogs happy and healthy.