Success Stories

We are incredibly proud of how our Service Dogs positively impact the lives of those who are in need. Our work would not be possible without the unwavering support of our stakeholders

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Success Stories

NSD Program Testimonials

Lawrence and Lynx

I Feel A True Happiness That I Never Believed I Would Ever Feel Again.

To say that NSD Lynx has been a life saver seems like a tremendous understatement; my life and my whole family’s life has changed so much.

I have a new, manageable life with my wife and my son that I never dreamed would be possible, let alone dared to imagine, before receiving this wonderful gift. Today with the help of NSD Lynx, my family and I “LIVE” with PTSD, we no longer “SUFFER” from it.


Service Dogs for PTSD
Sean and Neville

Nightmare interruption is an integral part of his role.

NSD graduates Sean and Neville hit the ground running in May 2018 as they embarked on a vacation to Newfoundland shortly after they were matched. According to Sean, “The main thing is, he keeps me grounded.” If Neville sees Sean leaning over with his elbows on his knees, Neville will come over and give him a nudge, helping to keep him grounded in reality and redirecting him to more positive thoughts and activities.

Nightmare interruption is an integral part of his role and he gently wakes Sean when he’s having a bad dream or provides deep pressure and a reassuring presence if Sean is restless at night.


Service Dogs for PTSD
Kyle and Clover

So Many New Firsts Experienced, I Can Hardly Keep Track!

NSD Clover has changed our life and the entire way Kyle functions in only 7 short months. The happiness, self confidence, courage, social, language and communication strides she has helped Kyle make are truly immeasurable. He has EXPLODED in his development as of late.

We are forever grateful for the compassion, empathy and guardianship NSD Clover loves and shares with Kyle. She is truly magic in a dog! We could not imagine living life without her. She is truly a beloved member of our family.

The Jenkinson Family

Service Dogs for Autism
Lukas and Corby

The Whole Family Gets The Rest They Need

Each year our life changing Certified Service Dogs impact the lives of their partners and by extension their families. Autism Service Dogs, like NSD Corby, provide light or deep pressure, helping children, like Lukas, fall asleep and reduce their anxiety overnight; helping the entire family get the rest they need to meet the coming day.

Corby has made our family whole and we are very happy and grateful to all of you!

Lisa K

Service Dogs for Autism
Uno and child reading

He Has Had An Impact From Day One

NSD Uno is brilliant! He has settled in wonderfully to his job with me, and is also happily adjusted to our home life. He’s out working daily with a variety of students. If I could tell you how positive an effect Uno is having, it would take up a lifetime.

Including CAI Dogs in therapy provides patients with the ability to open up and speak out and participate in ways they would not be able to if the dog was not present.

Liisa, SEED Education Strategies & Solutions

CAI Facility Dogs
West and the Ottawa Police Department

Each Day, West Dons His Cape

NSD Facility Dog West began his work with the Victim Crisis Unit of Ottawa Police Services in the fall of 2018. Each day he dons his cape and his badge and assists victims and witnesses of trauma.

West’s calming presence, reassuring nudges and ‘visits’ can reduce someone’s heart rate and reduce their blood pressure. He will make it easier for children and adults to tell their stories and give them something tangible to hold and hug during a difficult time.
You can follow NSD West’s adventures on twitter @K9West3

Ottawa Police Services

CAI Facility Dogs
Sammy holding duck toy

A Dog With A Heart That Connects Beyond Words

Sammy is an amazing beautiful dog with a heart that connects beyond words. Last night was the easiest night I have ever had to put my boys to sleep. Usually, it can take up to 2 hours before they can settle enough to sleep (it has taken me 3 hours when they were younger!), and that is already after being in their bedroom!

Yesterday they were under their blankets, and Sammy was right between them, giving love! With joy in all our hearts, we started saying goodnight, then goodnight moon (from the book), “goodnight Sammy,” then sleep and quiet snoring!


Skilled Companion Dogs
Melissa and Reece

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Thank you so very much for the joy you have brought into my life by giving us Reece. She is perfect in every way!

My daughter Melissa (who has severe autism, and had previously received 2 service dogs from NSD) is in love with Reece. She can’t say her name but calls Reece, “Ree”. Reece has filled a big void in our life with the loss of my dear hubby in August 2021. Since Reece has arrived, my heart is so full.

Dianne & Melissa

Skilled Companion Dogs

Success Stories

NSD Volunteer Testimonials


“For a good two years I would drive by NSD and there would be a sign out front with a picture of a dog on it. I always wondered what National Service Dogs was, so I called them. After learning they were an organization who helps raise puppies for children who have autism and individuals with PTSD, I thought “Bingo. I teach students who have autism.” What a great fit.”


“Whelping a litter of puppies is a lot of work, but in my experience, the enjoyment, rewards, and puppy antics totally outweigh the work involved. Watching as their individual personalities develop is so much fun to watch and another one of my favourite things is “puppy breath”! The whelping team are the best, they are there to help and support you every step of the way!”


“As a fifth time puppy raiser I can’t say enough great things about NSD. You get to raise a cute little puppy and you get to be a part of an awesome community. NSD has always supported me throughout my puppy raising journey, it really is the best place to volunteer. I couldn’t imagine my life without an NSD puppy in training.”

Help Us Bridge the Gap:
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Each of our dogs is provided to those in need, free of charge. Help support our mission by donating today.

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